Phlox subulata, Drummond's Pink, pack of 4, Creeping Phlox

$12.99 $12.99 $12.99
SKU: WG873
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Container Size
4x 2.63x1.72x2.75"


Height on Delivery:
Growth Habit:
matting ground cover
true pink
rough green
partial sun - sun
Bloom Time:
April - May

This ground cover can take hold in most places, with sandy and rocky soils posing no problems for it. While it does fine in poor soils, it will do best when a bit of compost is mixed into its growing medium when it is first planted. Feed with a light fertilizer before and after bloom time, and shear the plant down after all blooms have faded. This harsh shearing will keep the mat full with new growth.


This ground cover forms a mat of color in spring. While this is true of Phlox subulata, in general, the bright and true pink of Drummond's Pink will really catch the eye of everyone who passes by. It lights up the garden floor. Drummond's Pink has larger flowers than those of other varieties of this plant which is commonly known as Creeping Phlox. Each flower sports a similarly colored pink eye, so the mat that is formed is quite unified in its look... a carpet of pink, pink, and more pink. Pollinators love the blooms, as do gardeners. And coming back year after year, it is the perfect way to fill space under taller perennials. A very attractive must-have!

For more information please see our article on choosing, locating, planting and maintaining ground cover plants.

Shipping Plants in Winter:
Heat Pack Plants ship Monday and Wednesday only. Shipping charge includes heat pack and special insulation for safe transit.
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