Sedum spurium Dragon's Blood, Ground Cover

$8.99 $8.99 $8.99
SKU: WG359
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Container Size
4x 2.63x1.72x2.75"


Height on Delivery:
Bloom Time:
June - August

This hardy plant can survive low temperatures.

This plant likes partial sun. Some grow it indoors, and if you choose to do so, be sure it gets six or more hours of sunlight on a bright windowsill each day. Outdoors, to spread and look its best, it needs only occasional watering... truly low-maintenance. Just be sure its soil drains well, and also be sure its top layers of soil have dried before more water is applied.  Fertilize with a highly diluted liquid fertilizer every couple of weeks for the best flowers. You may want to snip spent blooms to keep the plant tidy.


Wow! This is one plant that truly lives up to its name. Sedum spurium Dragon's Blood is a ground cover marked by flowers in a deep and rich red. The flowers serve as a striking contrast to the leaves of this succulent and to companion plantings. Dragon’s Blood makes a gorgeous display in a container, where it spills over the sides. Some even grow it in indoor containers. But it truly thrives when used as a low-maintenance evergreen ground cover that can be utilized in rock gardens, borders, or mass plantings. It grows up to 6" high and can reach 24" in width. Watch for the colorful blooms in late summer. Pollinators will watch for them too!

For more information please see our article on choosing, locating, planting and maintaining ground cover plants.

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